>>venture>> audience award

June 7, 2024

>>venture>> audience award


We Need Your Vote!

Help Us Win the >>venture>> Startup Competition Audience Award!

We are honored to be nominated for this prestigious award and need your support to win! Our team at CLIMADA Technologies has been dedicated to delivering outstanding results to our clients, and now we’re reaching out to our amazing network for help.

Why Vote for Us?

Our delta-climate® SaaS solution provides decision-critical insights that enhance the understanding of climate change impacts. Our work has significantly helped quantify physical climate risks for both communities and companies.

How to Vote:

Visit the Voting Page: https://lnkd.in/dvRTRj2
Find Our Nomination: Look for CLIMADA Technologies (first video).
Cast Your Vote: Click on our entry and submit your vote at the bottom of the web page!

🗓️ Deadline:

Don’t wait! Make sure to cast your vote by June 17th.

We’ve come this far with your support, and now we’re counting on you to help us cross the finish line. Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Collaboration is key.
We look forward to hearing from you.